197 BHP Lancer Mivec???

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197 BHP Lancer Mivec???

Postby johnny » Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:08 am

http://www.carzone.ie/usedcars/index.cf ... rID=620131

Seen this on carzone.....a 1.6 n/a mivec kickin out 197 bhp! :roll:

And all thats done is the iridiums and induction kit :roll:

And what a guesstimate...197.... id love to go and view it to put him on the spot....and hear the waffle he comes up with to justify his figure....."mmm yeah the red leather reduces weight...and mmm....theres a sucky turbo thingy in place of the sunroof...."
FTO nut!
FTO nut!
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