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Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas

PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 10:08 am
by adrian
Got this for xmas on the PS2. WOW. Get it.... fantastic.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 10:42 am
by Diddler
Got the new Golden Eye Rogue Agent........ Its Good!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 3:05 pm
by CJ
Whats the PS2 retailing for in the shops these days? I was thing of getting one after Chrimbo, I've managed to resist until now!


PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 3:11 pm
by Diddler

I was in Harvey Normans in the north side a couple of weeks ago and i seen a new slim line PS2, i think it was retailing at about €160. Would be designed to fit into the car!
PS2 adaptor for car costs around €100-€120 conect it to a AV Monitor and bingo - You have your PS2 and a DVD system in your motor for under €300 asuming you already have a Monitor in your car?!
If not then a flip out AV monitor will probably set you back anything from £300.00 depending on what you want!!!

Just thought i'd shout that 2 you. Its great for long journeys or if like me, you have the woman and kiddlie with you everywhere you go :?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 1:01 pm
by soc
CJ wrote:Whats the PS2 retailing for in the shops these days? I was thing of getting one after Chrimbo, I've managed to resist until now!


Brother in law got an X-box with Mario cart - a whole heap of fun when you play 4 players. Not so much a driving game as a bash the crap out of each other in cars game :-) Only €130