I knew the TT's were prone to cracking rear springs so when I heard first (it happened while I was away) I instantly thought it was a rear spring. But on talking to my mechanic and finding out it was a front spring I was a bit suprised. He's a good guy, into his cars and probably no stranger to a good blast but as my car was on a space saver at the time I doubt he was tanking it and he's not the kind to do damage and not accept responsibility
He was pretty suprised the spring snapped - apparently he heard the noise first when turning into his estate and then again when turning into his driveway.
The car is generally in excellent condition and the rest of the springs and all shocks are in good condition. I've since heard a few other UK owners have seen cracked front springs so I guess the TT is prone to this
The ironic part is that the car was taken for a check over and to get new Eibachs fitted anyway - how conincidental is that
The Eibachs are 25mm lower and the ride is pretty much the same - made a big difference to turn in (much sharper) and looks much better too - not too in your face but subtle and stronger. I think I'll push the dealer for the cost though.... or would that be cheeky
I must get some photos up (before and after). Since the remap it's been a total blast to drive especially sling shotting out of corners