by CJ » Fri Dec 05, 2003 2:26 pm
On this point, I was recently thinking of trying to speak with Customs and the Revenue to see if I could get stats for the amount of FTOs imported over the last few years, but I doubt it will yield anything.
As regards advertising the site, I have a load of links from other websites to this one (many FTO related, plus in magazines such as Banzai and Jap Performance), I'm trying to tweak the HTML meta tags to get a higher Google rating, in saying that, seaching for 'fto' or 'mitsubishi fto' on Ireland only pages bring this site up at the top of the list. The few window stickers I had made up may have contributed towards some of the visitors but since then, I have't had any more inspiration as regards getting the site out to the masses. I'm open to suggestions in this regard, either online or offline, so if you've any ideas on how we might push the FTO message further (especially to non-Internet users), let me know.