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The annual robbery

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:16 pm
by sinlessgunner
Got my renewal from Quinn today...... €1950

22/male/living in Dublin driving GPX

full licence for 1 year/NCB 1 year/1 small tip in 2007 €650 damage

Madness I tell you :x

Re: The annual robbery

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:53 pm
by colm_mcm

maybe you should've paid the €650 damage out of your own pocket.

Re: The annual robbery

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:59 pm
by CJ
SG, everything is against you it would seem i.e. age, s3x, a claim, low NCB and minimum full licence term. On balance, I don't think the quote is over the top considering your credentials and the fact that premiums are on the up.


Re: The annual robbery

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:05 pm
by Dave
Ask them how much it would cost if you repaid the claim, this would reinstate your bonus in full.... Might work out cheaper in the long run....

Re: The annual robbery

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:25 pm
by karlf
Count yourself lucky. When I was 22(27 now) I paid €1800 on a 1.2 punto full licence 1 year, 2year NCB, and the ignition course with hibernian. And at 24, 4 years NCB, full licence 3 years I was paying €1800 on a 1.8 gs FTO in my mams name,it would have been 3-4k in my own name.
Here's what I paid since I started driving:

Age: Car: Engine: NCB: Licence: Premium: Cover:
20 Punto 1.2 0 P £3772 F/C}thats £'s almost €5000
21 Punto 1.2 1 F €3200 F/C }with gnition course
22 Punto 1.2 2 F €1800+ F/C }with ignition course
23 FTO 1.8 3 F €1800+ TPFT (in my mams name, 1200 on a focus 1.4
and €600 on my mam to be insured
on the FTO)
24 FTO 1.8 4 F €1200 TPFT
25 FTO 1.8 5 F €586 TPFT
26 FTO 1.8 6 F €546 TPFT
27 FTO(gpx) 2.0 7 F €650ish TPFT (it will be about €650 for the year
had 3 months cover on the gs at the
start of the year)

Re: The annual robbery

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:42 am
by Uncle B
Well that ****s me right off.

Full license 2 years/3 Years Named NCD/1 Year Main driver NCD/0 claims. €1899. (Was €1950 but I reduced value from €4.2k to €3k)

The fact that I don't have a claim, yet we're paying the same amount (roughly) is quite annoying... Im assuming you have mods declared/FC cover?

Re: The annual robbery

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:32 pm
by Sebastian
that's sky high SG . I payed at 25 , 3 k on a 1.6 golf :evil:

Re: The annual robbery

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:21 pm
by sinlessgunner
Couldn't pay the damage myself, it was a rental car I hit and they would only deal with my insurance co. And that quote is TPFT no mods declared because I have none, well none worth mentioning! I have tried every other place and nobody else will even quote me! Another year with Quinn me thinks :evil:

Re: The annual robbery

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:23 pm
by Uncle B
Aye, no one else will even listen after you say 2L Mivec. Sick as a parrot paying nearly €2k tbh

Re: The annual robbery

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:03 pm
by karlf
Serriously lads count yourselves lucky, I couldn't get quoted on a 1.8 gs at your age, I'd to get my mam insured on it. What pissed me off was before I bought the gs I was looking at a 2ltr twin cam MR2 and I got quoted €1800. So I assumed it would be cheaper on a 1.8 gs so bought it without getting a quote, Big Mistake. I could only get quoted off Hiberian as I was already with them and they wanted €7000, so imagine what a mivec would have been.
If you are insuring your car based on an address in Dubln, it might be cheaper to use an address in Longford if you have a house there. It would depend on how often you stay in longford as you need to keep the car at the address stated on your policy a couple of nights a week (think its 3 or 4, but depends on ins company). Worth checking out anyway, you might save a few quid.

Re: The annual robbery

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:18 pm
by sinlessgunner
Was looking into that Karl but unfortunatley Longford is one of the most expensive counties to be insured in apparently. There's a very high rate of claims there for some reason. Went for Quinn not much choice. Should probably sell the car but just can't seem to do it :D

Re: The annual robbery

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:53 pm
by Kace
Given your credentials ,€1950 sounds like a reasonable quote. To be honest, I thought that you would be paying closer to €3000.

Unfortunately such is life for young males with FTO tendencies :?