So yeah - in the estate I live there's a few nutters..
One Guy with a Skyline Turbo, used to drive a Cosworth.. Great taste in cars..
Another guy just moved in with what looks like an old EVO (didn't get to have a closer look yet) also he has an older Subaru Estate sitting in the drive - Looks like a Legacy..
I'd expect these lads to drive like nutters..just bacause I've heard their cars drive in and out of the estate...
I've noticed a lad a couple of houses down bought himself a lovely little Mini Cooper S. Today I saw what it can do..
I had my foot welded to the floor in 2nd - changed up to 3rd..and he kept up..Sadly there was a turn so I had to take my foot off, but at this stage we were well over the recommended speed on the closed circuit..
I haven't had the pleasure of driving one of these little lovelies yet - but if any of you have what are your thoughts?