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Black Ice all over blanchards town this morning..

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 9:41 am
by Muad_dib77
Black Ice all over Banchards town this morning 30-11-2009

I had a couple of slides this morning..anybody going out there within the next couple of hours... be careful!

*edit removed date from title*

Re: Black Ice all over blanchards town this morning 30-11-2009

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 4:28 pm
by CJ
Was pretty bad around the place this morning, RWD is fun in the ice!


Re: Black Ice all over blanchards town this morning 30-11-2009

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 6:35 pm
by Sebastian
the heights of tallafornia were covered this morning as well.

winter is officialy here

Re: Black Ice all over blanchards town this morning 30-11-2009

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:17 pm
by Muad_dib77
Nearly flew right off the road coming home from work.. Out on the backroad from Slane to the Kells road (n52)..roads were fine..up untill a downhill section that I normally really enjoy..long sweeping downhill left hander ends in sweeping right..

Only today as I was at the top I felt the car I removed both feet from the pedals..and thankully madfe it down in one piece..although I did exit at what some would describe as an akward angle.. bloody hell..

Tomorrow.. bring more patience.. It's been over an hour and I'm still having palpatations!

Re: Black Ice all over blanchards town this morning..

PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 9:50 am
by Muad_dib77

Again this carefull if you're going out there...nasty cold! Even a bit of snow in some spots..

Also saw a check point on the n2 just after kilshane cross heading direction city center..something to keep in mind if you want to avoid being stuck in the traffic that will back up around it..

Re: Black Ice all over blanchards town this morning..

PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 10:05 am
by CJ
The Ballycoolin Road on the way into Ballycoolin Business Park by IBM was like a sheet of ice this morning, the handbrake and some opposite lock was required to keep me on the straight and narrow...


Re: Black Ice all over blanchards town this morning..

PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 10:52 am
by Muad_dib77
Yeah... skates would have been well handy in a few spots...

Tried taking a picture of the "snow" coming off the n2..

Not sure how well it came out...

* Just kidding..

Oh and it turned out one of the two cars coming towards me there was a Garda car..not clever taking picuters as you're plodding along..

Re: Black Ice all over blanchards town this morning..

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:37 am
by Johnk
Just after been out on the Road's there, my god they are bad today

Re: Black Ice all over blanchards town this morning..

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:24 pm
by Muad_dib77
Im SO not looking forward to the drive in tomorrow morning..