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Audi S5.... Gorgeous....

PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2009 12:09 pm
by mcgon1979
I love the S5 lads. Have spent a bit of time looking at the dirrent exhausts available for it. First clip is the difference between the standard (which sounds very angry for a stock exhuast) versus the almost smooth refined sound of the custom miltek.

The second clip is a custome AWE exhaust. WOW... seriously... the best sound I have ever heard out of an Audi. unreal!

Stock versus millteck ( i prefer stock)
Stock versus Miltek From

(awe custom.. holy chit)
Custome AWE exhaust From

Re: Audi S5.... Gorgeous....

PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2009 4:33 pm
by Muad_dib77
Certainly not the kind of noise one would expect from an Audi..

Re: Audi S5.... Gorgeous....

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:59 pm
by Kace
Hadn't read this before now, but for those of us who couldn't stretch to an S5, I wonder how this exhaust would sound on a 1.8T or 2.7D A5 ?

Re: Audi S5.... Gorgeous....

PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:34 am
by soc
Kace wrote:Hadn't read this before now, but for those of us who couldn't stretch to an S5, I wonder how this exhaust would sound on a 1.8T or 2.7D A5 ?

Nothing like the S5 unforuntately - the engine is pushing the sound not the exhuast