by karlf » Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:25 pm
Count yourself lucky. When I was 22(27 now) I paid €1800 on a 1.2 punto full licence 1 year, 2year NCB, and the ignition course with hibernian. And at 24, 4 years NCB, full licence 3 years I was paying €1800 on a 1.8 gs FTO in my mams name,it would have been 3-4k in my own name.
Here's what I paid since I started driving:
Age: Car: Engine: NCB: Licence: Premium: Cover:
20 Punto 1.2 0 P £3772 F/C}thats £'s almost €5000
21 Punto 1.2 1 F €3200 F/C }with gnition course
22 Punto 1.2 2 F €1800+ F/C }with ignition course
23 FTO 1.8 3 F €1800+ TPFT (in my mams name, 1200 on a focus 1.4
and €600 on my mam to be insured
on the FTO)
24 FTO 1.8 4 F €1200 TPFT
25 FTO 1.8 5 F €586 TPFT
26 FTO 1.8 6 F €546 TPFT
27 FTO(gpx) 2.0 7 F €650ish TPFT (it will be about €650 for the year
had 3 months cover on the gs at the
start of the year)
Last edited by
karlf on Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.