Havn't been online for ages (family stuff) but i thought i'd share this bad news!!
The car started acting up around xmas but thought it was just idle issues again but i was wrong. It got worse at end of march to then die last month. Garage finally got to look at it this week and at the minium its blown the heads. And without stripping it down (at a huge cost) to find exact fault they recomend replacing engine. I have for now taken the car back and i'm trying to decide my course of action.
First course is for me to strip down the engine myself and see it its just the head gaskets and if so get the heads skimmed and fit new gaskets and rebuild (i hope this is the option)
Second course same as first, but find a fractur in the block so take blocks of my other engine i have, get them and heads machined to match and rebuild.
Third course strip everything out fit my other gpx engine and revert back to standard
Forth course would be find damage is to bad so have to switch engine out so i could go down route of fitting my other stock engine in (garage reckons if detuned to under 300 bhp it can take it) with turbos fitted
Fifth course the same as above but before fitting engine get revelant parts forged to take higher bhp.
Sixth course one garage recomends is due to expences involved just bin engine sell remaing turbo kit etc and drop in and EVO 5-8 (Avoiding evo 4 due to thrust bearing weaknesses) they say pretty much plug and play.
Seventh option break it down and buy another car.
Eighth option willing to listen to other ideas??