(I hope this is ok with the mods and CJ, I thought the type of stuff we do might interest some people so decided to post this up if its ok?)
Just said I'd throw up an example of some of the work we can carry out;
The following is a car that came to us with severe overspray on the bonnet. The owner had rust spots on the bonnet and got some paint mixed in Halfords, needless to say the match was absolutely dire. The paint was sprayed on regardless, and he wanted it fixed back to normal. He was looking at getting it resprayed, but was unsure if the match would tie in, so we were asked to take a look at it. It looked pretty bad;
So we set to work, and after a lot of pondering, cursing, and testing, we got half way through the bonnet;
Least we knew where we stood now, and what the process that worked was, so we completed the rest of the bonnet;
Heres a close up of a particularly bad spot before we started the work, note the scratches;
And the same patch after, you can see its the same patch by the location of the windscreen washers, scratches also gone;
By the way, the little white patches on the bonnet are paint chips, and we also had the pleasure of trying to keep loads of tiny leaf thingys from getting in the way of the shots!