Clarkson was highly impressed alright.... It was a pity James messed up the race by not being able to fly at night though.
It was some car alright though, was it 2 or 3 seconds 0-60? Even the spoiler raiser had a radiator! something like 1.3million euros though, and it would only take 1 idiot to hit you with his poc shed and its gone.
Must be an amazing car cause Clarkson was seriously raving about it - he couldn't seem to get his head around the feat of engineering - looked amazing on the move and a couple of the shots gave the impression it could really handle too!
YAY! And I'm off on the tuesdays following the Sundays in work!
I need never miss TopGear again! In the past I've been waiting for episodes to be shown on the UKtv channels..boy they suck!
<->FTO-Ireland Shop Tiomáint sé cosúil go bhfuil tú déanach i gcás maise!
I saw one of these in the flesh in a showroom in Berlin in the Summer. I didn't know what it was. There were two bouncer looking like men in the showroom by the car and I didn't dare go in
It looked absolutely staggering