I got my car back from the garage and they couldn't find anything wrong with the steering rack or any of the joints or the arb bushes. I've already replaced the drop links. They just cannot figure out what is knocking. They took everything apart and then put it all back together to make sure everything was nice and tight. Cerntainly the car feels "tighter" now - the steering is more direct and the knocking is almost gone... so I'm wondering has anyone ever had experience of the manifold downpipes knocking?
btw on aother note.... i watched my fiance drive the car up and down our road (wanted to see if it was sitting level) and I have to say the FTO is a seriously cool looking car! when you drive it you forget how good it looks on the move...... IMO it looks much better on the move than static and puts most other cars to shame.... no wonder so many bmw etc. drivers keep staring!!