As some of you have seen iv been asking a few questions about the layout under the bumper and so on.
so the original setup was;
HKS cone filter,
ARK intake chamber
With the new setup
I'v added 2 pipes
1. 3inch pipe from behind the bumper up to the air filter.
2. 1.5 inch pipe going from where the air feeds to the standard airbox to the filter.
I have also shortened the piping form the HKS filter to the arc chamber.
so its not all stuck up in the corner.
The 3inch pipe runs from the vent under the spot lights and front indecators up to the air filter.
It seems to really have given me extra boost in performance.
(loudend the car also )
and better response. defenitely take the 2 dead sports out of my power band (I recon)