declanc wrote:Just trying to get my head around the VRT, does anyone know how this is worked out? Is it on the price of the car when it arrives in Dublin inc all import duties, shipping etc. Or is it on the invoice price
Cheers lads
VRT is a certain percentage of the Open Market Selling Price (OMSP) of the car. The OMSP is determined by the Vehicle registration guys. It has nothing to do with invoice price, import duties or shipping, its a stand alone tax.
Importing -> cost of car + shipping = X
For outside of the EU, customs=10%, total X * 1.1
VAT payable at 21% on THAT total (incl the customs!!), total (X * 1.1) * 1.21
Then add VRT on top of that
total = ( (X * 1.1) * 1.21) + VRT
In effect, on a 95 FTO 2L (DE3A chassis) it can almost double the cost of buying the car and having it shipped to Dublin.
There's a vrt calculator online,