Thanks to Shane for the text below, original thread here:
1) Run car for about 10 mins to warm up oil
2) Get car up on axle stands - you'll need 4 as you have to have the car level
3) Get oil catch container and place it under the drain plug - if you lie on your back under car the gearbox is on left side. Drain plug is on left of box (should be a 20mm hex bolt) - you might have to move the piece of plastic coming down from wheel arch to see it.
4) Undo plug and let oil drain out - I've heard it recommended that you need to let the oil drain overnight to make sure that all the oil drains out of the torque convertor.
5) After all oil is drained out refit drain plug (you don't need a washer)
6) Undo filter and let oil drain out.
7) Refill oil via the dipstick (need a funnel for this)
Its recommended to change the ATF and filter approx. every 10,000 - 15,000 kms.