Hello all, I haven't posted in a while due to work/college/not having my car because it was getting worked on, anyways I passed my NCT retest today!
I failed the 1st try on:
-1 headlight not emitting enough light ( I changed from HIDs to halogens just in case, waste of money tbh, HIDs saw me though fine)
-Corroded brake lines (was just surface rust so they got tidyed up)
-Excessive oil leak. (Still an issue, read on)
Now over the last 1.5 years of ownership I think I've come up against the vast majority of problems so here's a list of whats been done to her:
Note to Brendan, please don't take offense as these were all regular maintenance/unforeseen problems. I absolutely in no way feel like you sold me a lemon and hope all my future purchases are as smooth.
New Water Pump and cambelt kit
New wipers
Air filter cleaned
A$$hole crashes into rear bumper while car is parked and leaves no note
Springs refitted as the car wasn't sitting right
Dashboard replaced (Colm) due to (I'm assuming) Brendan's OH's footprint on dash
Starter motor reconditioned
CD player dies
Leaky sunroof fixed
Battery terminal wire thingy replaced due to short
4 X Kumhos Ku31s
All bushes/droplinks/anti-roll bars replaced
CV joint/boot
-Heard funny noise coming from engine bay, mechanic had a look, a bolt had sheared off and cambelt was hanging on by a thread
New cambelt
New camseal as one was leaking
New rocker cover as one was seeping
Nerw wheel stud as I broke one (thanks TC)
Water/Oil emulsion under oil cap + oil leak from HG
Passed NCT but still leaking so getting HG done for Xmas!