2 different people have approached me and said my car is like Knightrider (I think they mean Kit, bless) I think it may be a nickname that sticks...
But mainly why I started this thread... and ohhh... it feels so good! - was dropping back a dvd tonight around 12am, pulled in beside a jeep which I thought was unoccupied, until I saw a man in his 30's with his mouth agape looking at me. Then (ooooh) as I was coming back out of the store himself and his friend were out walking around and checkiing out the whole body of my car, caught me coming and got all embarassed and jumped back into their jeep
And 2 separate occasions yesterday lads in a teg type r and a civic nearly crashed into roundabouts gawking!
Ahhhh... I don't think that'll ever get old...