no1. manual GR 96 l no2. tip GR 95 l no3. manual Gpx 95 l no.4 manual Gpx 95 l no.5 manual Gpx 96 l no.6 tip GR 95 - in 2011 took a break from the FTO scene
ya an mine is an offaly reg to i wouldnt mind meeting some evening this week if we could get a few more it would be a laugh cause i havent been to an fto meet yet that one in june sounds good in limerick
was goin' back to Dublin on N4 this evening and spotted D_Dan up un the bridge above me
funny stuff
no1. manual GR 96 l no2. tip GR 95 l no3. manual Gpx 95 l no.4 manual Gpx 95 l no.5 manual Gpx 96 l no.6 tip GR 95 - in 2011 took a break from the FTO scene
d_dan wrote:theres a meet up in dublin on thursday!
it's saturday actualy
no1. manual GR 96 l no2. tip GR 95 l no3. manual Gpx 95 l no.4 manual Gpx 95 l no.5 manual Gpx 96 l no.6 tip GR 95 - in 2011 took a break from the FTO scene