crayzidane wrote:(Hannah Montana)
I'v also seen ''its a gig for the fans''
so ID is required with the tickets when you go in.
But what if, lets say your friends cant go?
Does that mean no one can go instead
That's what we were told, the person who bought the tickets, is the person who has to hand them in at the gate.
It was a waste of time though as they are selling on Ebay for €800
We all got wrist bands at about 12 o'clock! Then all our details were taking at 8:30ish Name how many you wanted ect... All lined up at the till details giving money out ready to pay and then! SOLD OUT!!!
The manager of the store rang the O2 while we were all in the store and pleaded with the management to put on another show the Friday night! That he has people here who deserve tickets more so than anyone and they said no!
When you're good, you're good....... but when you're great you're ME