Kace wrote:Anyone know a good test for determining whether something is actually 'real' leather - apart from with a lighter ?
I've seen supposedly 'real' leather seats where the actual finish has worn off them to reveal the fabric - same as you see under leatherette.
personally - I think that there are a lot of fake 'leather' car seats, sofas and all sorts that are sold as genuine.
Real leather wouldn't have the material backing (I've never heard of anybody bothering gluing a sheet of felt to leather anyways)- and the material will normally be very very thin compared to actual leather (you can't always go but this - as there are thicker vinyls available also, however these are often very inflexible and look nothing like the real thing)..
Another way to tell is that when leatherette wears through it becomes very porous - so it starts to crumble & flake... proper dead cow doesn't do this...