by Muad_dib77 » Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:03 pm
Just so happens I have a spare door sitting about..
I need to have a look at this plastic ring thing - would be deadly to have them light up when you press the alarm thingie to operate the central locking..
oh no wait..
pretty pointless.
when would it be a good idea for it to come on? With the cetral light? that wouldn't work either cause that turns off the second you shut the door.. would be silly to hook it up to the ignition powerline as the lights would co0me on when the car i started then..and at that epoint most of us would already be inside the car..
I wonder is this why we haven't actualy seen it yet? that would have had to be some sort of proximity sensor device for the lightey uppey locks to make sense I think.
I guess Mitsi picked remote central locking over the flashy keyholes.
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