Was chatting to my local paint work guy just now, one of the best about and very recommended, in Monaghan about the GPvR in the UK. He reckoned to get her resprayed to metallic silver (best colour he reckoned over the white for potential chips and all) would be 1500 Euro, incl inside of doors and dor pillars. Thats no tapeing her up and painting, thats stripping her down and doing it all.
Only under boot and bonnet would be left white.
Now I'm thinking about taking it in and getting her done in that MG Blue. ....em, an MG blue GPvR with all that kit! OK, back to the real world....that would be 16,400 on the road and another 1,500 paint.... 18K for a 1998 GPvR. As Shane said, I could get a nice 1999 GPX manual and do alot for that cash.