I saw a deal on one of those deals websites. The deal was for 4 wheels to be refurbished and resprayed/powder coated. There was a lot of mention of "choose any color" and "kerb damage" as part of the deal. I phoned them to ask about chroming the wheels (before buying the deal) and all of a sudden the price was €400, not €149 as stated in the deal. "only silver coat is covered in the deal" i was told. That wasn't very clear in the deal. So I decided, maybe it's still worth it to bring the wheels back to new and asked "so I just bring the wheels to you and how long do you keep them?" He said I have to bring the rims only and there was a charge of €15 per wheel to remove tires. The deal said there was a €15 charge for removing wheels, but said nothing about tires. This was on a Friday and I decided to think it over, based on that information. I have to say, the guy didn't seem too bothered if he lost the business. I tried ringing over the weekend to confirm that the kerb damage was covered, as there is a very minor lip bend in one alloy (i could probably repair myself). I had to leave a message on a form. I didn't hear back until just before the deal closed today and the reply was that only "curb rash" is covered. That was not made at all clear in the deal. He said "structural repair" is not covered. I would hardly call this little ding a structural repair as it would take them less than 5 minutes to do it. I know, because I had a bigger bend repaired on my bmw wheels and it took less than 20 minutes from wheel off, to driving away.
I am very put off by this place now, as they don't seem bothered at all. I had offered to pay the €150 for the refurb, so he wouldn't have to pay commission to the third party and he came back with €200, because the deal was over. 100 deals were offered and less than 40 sold, but he still wanted €200, plus whatever fee for the "structural repair". He would probably charge €100 extra if i didn't have them all shiney and sparkly too. As someone who has run several of these deals for my business, I am only too happy to accept payment from clients who missed the deal, which means I don't pay up to 60% commission to a third party advertiser. I have decided not to name and shame the company for such poor and misleading advertising and terrible customer care. Maybe the advertiser is partly to blame, but the owner made no apologies for the information advertised.
Rant Over.