anybody with st pauls. i went to a broker and they were the only company to quote me. nice surprise on the price. €800 fully comp. just wondering if anybodys with them and what u make of them to deal with. am i missing out on some hidden catch or something. almost too good to be true.
ya no problem agent. i'm 28. full licence 3 years. 7 claim free years on own policy. also when i mentioned i did ignition to st pauls they took off another €200. also the fact i'm not in dublin brought the price down too (co.galway). also as i mentioned in an earlier post about doing the IAM course i'll get a further reduction of 30% per year for life.
I'm with St.Pauls but paying quite a bit more then you, (but not on an FTO) do they recognise the IAM? I have already done the test but I thought only hibs would give a discount! Can you give me your brokers name? I might give them a call.
they dont recognise the test yet but i believe IAM are in talks with all insurance companies to eventually recognise it.
first ireland are the brokers....
I'm with St Paul also and have many more years NCB and age years. My number is just over 900EUR. Galway must have done a lot for the price there for you.
ya it did Kace. occupation seemed to be a big issue too. and when i mentioned i did igniton that helped too. dunno why but it did. i suppose its always been that way about where you live. i have mates in dublin paying mad prices on small cars.