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Hi From Dublin

Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:17 pm
by goz_83
Hello all. I just picked up a 95 GPX (correction...GR) last Sunday. I swapped for a 02 Transit van and I guess I accidentally became an FTO owner. fto-ireland was written on the back windscreen, so that's how I found this club

I was very lucky to get insured as nobody would quote me, but when I gave up and decided to sell the car, I tried again and my lucky horse came riding in thanks to the insurance lists on this forum and the people over on
I love the car, but it needs some tlc before she is back in proper shape. I changed all the tyres and front brake pads. I will be changing the rear brake pads very soon. I have ordered a new auto shifter handle, as the current one is broken. Went to ATLAS to check out a rubbing noise in the passenger front side wheel and I am told that the drivers front side ball joint (or full wish bone) needs replacing and the anti-roll bar drop links and bushes need replacing. The drivers side rear disc has rings imprinted into it, so I will hopefully get this fixed with a lathe, or replace it. There also seems to be an intermittent engine start problem. Sometimes I have to turn the key several times before the engine starts and I have no clue what it might be. Most times it's fine, but it is annoying and I wouldn't want it to give up on me altogether. The car was broken into before, because the passenger side small window was clearly replaced and the passenger side door glass sticks out about the roof frame unless the door is closed by pressing on the glass rather than the door. The P/side window also won't close unless the glass is pulled horizontally (toward the rear of the car) after it is halfway up. Otherwise it automatically goes down again as if something had physically stopped it. Also there is a leak in the aircon somewhere at the P/side. I am interested in getting a respray if anyone knows where it can be done at a reasonable price. Looking for full respray with minor denting removed and a mustang style stripe over the top of the car. Will be fitting an alarm, ideally a remote start 2 way alarm. Any ideas and prices? There is a separate key for the ignition (possibly damaged when someone broke in and possibly stole the car). I want to only have one key, or keyless entry altogether. I will also get a light tint on the side and rear windows for privacy, as I will likely get a sat nav built in too. If one place can do all this at a good price, I would be thrilled. I plan to keep the fto for a good while.
Re: Hi From Dublin

Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:02 pm
by colm_mcm
Sounds like you have a bit of a project on your hands, I'd sit down and work out what this will end up costing you. A respray should cost north of 2k
Camskill is the place to go for new parts, and there are a few guys breaking ftos if you need anything bigger.
I presume its the heater matrix that's leaking?
Best of luck with the car anyway. Way more fun than a transit
Re: Hi From Dublin

Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:25 pm
by goz_83
I'm hoping to bargain down on the cost of a respray. Hillside car spray say a full respray is from 1500, but I think I should find cheaper if I want a lot of other work done yeah? There are just a few stone chips on the bonnet and a big scuff on the front bumper. The rest can maybe do with some T-cut to bring her back up.
I don't know what is leaking as I hadn't had the chance to take a proper look yet. O only hear the leaking sound when I tried to refill her with refrigeration gas. And yes....much more fun than a transit. It even has 1 extra seat

Re: Hi From Dublin

Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:21 am
by Danny Kierans

and good luck with the work. i think the fto is well worth the time.

Re: Hi From Dublin

Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:38 am
by Uncle B
Hi Gary,
Welcome to the club.
I saw your post on boards alright, thought you said that it was a GR but all the better if its a GPX
What colour is it?
I've a Steel Silver (A34) Tiptronic 95 GPX that I'll be breaking soon if you need anything.
Throw up some pictures if you haven't already!
Re: Hi From Dublin

Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:24 am
by goz_83
Hi Uncle B. When I rang Mitsubishi Ireland with the chassis number, the guy said it was a GR. However, when I entered the details into the online quote system, it said GPX and the guy I bought it from said it was a GPX, so I guess that's what it is. It's Grey in colour according to the online quote system, but looks more silver, so might just be the same colour as yours. I would be very interested in acquiring some parts from you. When are you breaking it?
Re: Hi From Dublin

Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:08 pm
by Uncle B
Is the Oil cap on the left or right side of the engine Gary?
If its on the left its a GPX or else it's a GR
I'm breaking it right now but I've some family stuff on this week so won't be able to get at much
Re: Hi From Dublin

Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:21 pm
by colm_mcm
It'll have mivec written on the engine if its gpx
Mitsubishi are a joke for parts. Only use as a very last resort
Id be very wary of cheap resprays and would want to see previous work. Water based paint is a nightmare and can easily go wrong if the equipment/workmanship is poor.
Re: Hi From Dublin

Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:52 pm
by optical illusion
A good, proper respray will cost you close to 3 grand. And a full sized oven with every panel removed that can be, will be another key indicator.
Re: Hi From Dublin

Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:03 pm
by goz_83
The fuel cap is on the right. I just checked engine, and no mention of MIVEC. That actually makes me feel a bit better, because I now know I have insured the right model and the GR is bloody powerful enough.

Can you post me some pics of the fto you're breaking Uncle B? I am definitely interested in some parts. I want new headlights, because the ones I have are a bit scuffed. It looks as if lacquer has peeled off it. The drivers side one is pretty grubby and the ex owner put blue LED lights into it and it looks rubbish the way he did it....very messy. Its mainly interior stuff, but the wish bone and and the other stuff mentioned will be needed to make her a safe ride. I don't want to be putting the kids life at risk from less than perfect working parts. I might also want the keys and barrels, as I currently have 1 key for the ignition, and one for the doors and boot. If you can give me some prices and let me know where you're based, that would be great. thanks.
Re: Hi From Dublin

Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:56 pm
by Bernard
Chances are that you'll be able to bring the headlights back yourself (unless they're really, really bad).
Have a search on the forum, it's been discussed a few times.
Re: Hi From Dublin

Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:33 pm
by paul2508
welcom to the club mate. Glad to see a new member with real interest in th fto. Hope you get her sorted mate. You won't be short of help on here. Keep up posted on your progress. All the best wit It .

Re: Hi From Dublin

Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:15 pm
by colm_mcm
Have you considered getting the car wrapped?
Re: Hi From Dublin

Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:53 pm
by StewyD32

Welcome to the club.
Anything you need to know is here if not just ask.
Re: Hi From Dublin

Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:18 am
by goz_83
colm_mcm wrote:Have you considered getting the car wrapped?
No I hadn't thought of that. Would have no idea on prices. Would a wrap not make the car look dull? You can't really get a polished shine from vinyl can you? Still...interesting suggestion. Might consider.
Does anyone know what might be wrong with the car when I try to start it? Most times its fine, but sometimes when I turn the key, there is just a half click, as if the battery was dead. This can happen several times before I get ignition. When I get a connection, it starts up no problem. It seems to be roll of the dice kinda thing.
Re: Hi From Dublin

Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:42 am
by colm_mcm
Sounds like solenoid on starter motor is faulty.
Re: Hi From Dublin

Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:02 am
by Danny Kierans
colm_mcm wrote:Sounds like solenoid on starter motor is faulty.
Re: Hi From Dublin

Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:10 am
by goz_83
Thanks. I'll get it sorted as soon as i can. I was supposed to drop into the garage this morning, but man oh man was i tired this morning. Extra busy at work. Out the door with clients.
Re: Hi From Dublin

Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:36 pm
by Uncle B
I'll add some pictures to the thread in the For Sale section when I get the chance.
Regarding the headlights, as Bernard said, chances are you'll be able to get them crystal clear again with a bit of elbow grease, its a common issue.
Re: Hi From Dublin

Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:55 pm
by colm_mcm
It's amazing how cleaning the headlights tidys up the front
Next time you're in mitsubishi get a price on new headlights
(Unless you have an underlying heart condition)
Re: Hi From Dublin

Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:50 am
by Sebastian
Post pics with the car and always ask here what parts you need first , there are always bits flying around.
Re: Hi From Dublin

Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:25 pm
by goz_83
Hello again. So I decided to buy another FTO for parts, rather than sourcing parts from all over the place. I picked up a neat 94 GR, same colour and only 10k extra klms on the clock. It is already alarmed, meaning I don't have the temptation to put a remote start alarm in it. I don't need to do any work on the 94 as far as i can tell. My cousin (a mechanic) is on his way to check it all out. I know the timing belt is due to be changed and the timing belt on the 95 model was done only a few thousand miles ago, so I think I will swap them over? I will swap the wheels over too, as I did only put new tyres on the 17" alloys. The 94 model is NCT'd until the end of the year and is out of tax (has been lying up for 2 years. The 95 model is NCT'd until January 2013. Am I wrong to chop it up, or should I sell it whole? It needs very little and is taxed til November, but I won't be keeping 2 FTO's....the wife will have a heart attack. (it does look pretty cool with 2 silver ftos parked out front tho).
Re: Hi From Dublin

Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:47 pm
by Bernard
Breaking a perfectly good FTO is a sin
(I think it's in the bible).
Swap around the parts you want, but try and sell it whole if you can

Re: Hi From Dublin

Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:58 pm
by goz_83
Well it's not "perfectly good", otherwise I would have not been looking for parts to get it up to scratch. Also, I think FTO means "For The Others" in the bible, meaning I will go to heaven by the sheer act of sharing my wonderful machine to save the other ftos out there. A required sacrifice for the good of all mankind surely?
Re: Hi From Dublin

Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:00 pm
by optical illusion
goz_83 wrote:Well it's not "perfectly good", otherwise I would have not been looking for parts to get it up to scratch. Also, I think FTO means "For The Others" in the bible, meaning I will go to heaven by the sheer act of sharing my wonderful machine to save the other ftos out there. A required sacrifice for the good of all mankind surely?