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Forum rank titles

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 6:53 pm
by CJ
Dave, hope this clears it up:

    1st gear 5
    Unleaded 20
    Super unleaded 30
    Speed freak 50
    Octane king 80
    FTO nut! 110
    FTO is my life 230
    Have you seen my FTO tattoo? 320
    I prefer my FTO to the missus 370
    FTO is my new religion 500
    Nothing comes between me and my FTO 600
    I'm addicted to my FTO 700
    My first-born will be christened 'MIVEC' 800
    I want an FTO for every day of the week 900
    Super FTO aficionado! 1000

As the post count goes up, I add another title, any suggestions for the next couple of ranks lads?


PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 1:24 am
by pergau
how about

The name is F, FTO

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 4:41 am
by Myfeckin FTO
Some pretty cheesy titles to look forward to there :oops:

Any chance of replacing them with something like -
"Full Throttle Owner"
"I've sold my kidneys to keep my FTO on the road"
"I'm a thread highjacking post wh0re with an unhealthy FTO obsession"
"My next car will be a model of economy & cheap insurance"


PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:08 pm
by CJ
Myfeckin FTO wrote:Some pretty cheesy titles to look forward to there :oops:

Any chance of replacing them with something like -

Cheesy, never! Some nice suggestions there but they're mostly too long to be entered. Its a pity, I could have permanently assigned "I'm a thread highjacking post wh0re with an unhealthy FTO obsession" to your account....


PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:23 pm
by Myfeckin FTO
CJ wrote:
Myfeckin FTO wrote:Some pretty cheesy titles to look forward to there :oops:

Any chance of replacing them with something like -

Cheesy, never! Some nice suggestions there but they're mostly too long to be entered. Its a pity, I could have permanently assigned "I'm a thread highjacking post wh0re with an unhealthy FTO obsession" to your account....


I would prefer that to "Super FTO aficionado" - it sounds a bit :r

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:03 pm
by CJ
Myfeckin FTO wrote:I would prefer that to "Super FTO aficionado" - it sounds a bit :r

Theres nothing :r about it my friend, it embodies the dedication and enthusiasm of that particular poster. Something like 'I prefer my FTO to my pink underpants' on the otherhand is a different story altogether...


PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:51 pm
by Mustang
F*^k The Others
My other car's an well
Financially Troubled & Overdrawn!
Mizushima is Mecca (place where FTO's were built)