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Who Is using your Wireless
Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:39 pm
by steelroe
I was wondering if it is possible to check if anyone is hacked into my wireless router and using my broadband. Security is enabled on the router, but can be easily hacked.
Re: Who Is using your Wireless
Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:32 am
by gfalls
Your router should be listed in wireless devices. Go to its web page and look for a tab/button regarding status. This should tell you who is connected to your router.
Re: Who Is using your Wireless
Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:10 pm
by Dilogoat86
To prevent this from happening frequently change the TKIP passphrase. Can be annoying but the WEP can be hacked easily enough, but TKIP is a lot more secure. Check out your router security settings and change it to TKIP if you have that avilable. You can also (router dependant) set a limit on the number of allowed connections to the router, so if you know you should only have x number of connections, set that as the limit.