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Broadband in Kells
Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:09 pm
by CJ
A friend of mine in Kells, Co.Meath is having trouble finding a broadband providor in the area, anyone know of an operator (wireless or otherwise) who covers the area? I know theres a MAN planned for the area but I don't believe its in place yet.
Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:16 pm
by CJ
Think I found one - , you're with this crowd Muad, right?
Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:28 pm
by Muad_dib77
Yeah - those are the ones..
They're abit frustrating to deal with as they are a very very very small business (4 staff in total as far as I know).. but to be fair my connection is very stable..
I do not get anywhere near the advertised speeds (2mbit up and down) - I get more like 1.. and they throttle the bejesus out of it if you're not actually using the machine..
Also there's a limit on the amount of p2p connections you can have (I think it's 65 or something). This makes torrenting & skype fairly lousy.
I'm considering trying something else as I now have several options..
Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:08 pm
by Bernard
I recently got broadband, the only one I could find bar satellite was from vodafone.
€30 a month for 3.6 meg, the service is good enough but there's only a 5GB a month allowance...
If they've limited choice like me it might be an option, O2 and 3 have better deals though.
Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:14 pm
by Gwyn
Try Digiweb CJ - haver heard good things and they are available in Kells: