thats my old car insurance wrote it off i saw it in portloase for sale had a look and it has been reparied really badly stay away oh and it has an nct till next year i took of my alloys and put on them red ones that came with it and the gpvr spoiler which i bought
no a jeep hit me from behind in the snow well i got an quote of 9G's to fix it and another two would not evfen quote. no the holes were in it when i bought it the privious owner had indecator light fitted and wired to the diped lights they broke and i cound not find a replacment
as colm said it was based on genuine parts the parts came to like six for an eg a bumper of mitsi will set you back 500 bob quater panels 600 each and thats without vat and since it was the crash was not my fault i wanted a top notch finish so i brought it to a top notch garage and they were the only garage out of three that would quote me
no1. manual GR 96 l no2. tip GR 95 l no3. manual Gpx 95 l no.4 manual Gpx 95 l no.5 manual Gpx 96 l no.6 tip GR 95 - in 2011 took a break from the FTO scene